Events & Celebrations
Every day is a new day, a day to look forward to! New activities, new learning, new experiences.
There is never a dull moment at The Somaiya School.
Children are always raring to go, enthusiastic about every event that happens in the school.
The Somaiya School has many firsts in it's growth and evolution. The Literary Week, the Mathemagica, BEAMS - our science fair, Little Picasso - our Art Mela are our major attractions bringing the students, teachers and parents to a common platform.
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Events & Celebrations
Every day is a new day, a day to look forward to! New activities, new learning, new experiences.
There is never a dull moment at The Somaiya School.
Children are always raring to go, enthusiastic about every event that happens in the school.
The Somaiya School has many firsts in it's growth and evolution. The Literary Week, the Mathemagica, BEAMS - our science fair, Little Picasso - our Art Mela are our major attractions bringing the students, teachers and parents to a common platform.
A strong bond is forged between these communities making teaching-learning a wholesome experience.
The Somaiya School aims to integrate learning with exposure to a variety of events. These events equip children with various skills needed to adapt to the real world.
Taking charge of various portfolios given to them, our children have become adept at putting up mega events.
These events are a culmination of classroom learning moving from the abstract to the concrete.
"The limits of my language means the limits of my world."
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language is a tool to express oneself, to communicate and to forge healthy relations.
As a first in the suburbs, we take pride in exposing our students to the world of language through the Literary week.
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Literary week
"The limits of my language means the limits of my world."
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
Language is a tool to express oneself, to communicate and to forge healthy relations.
As a first in the suburbs, we take pride in exposing our students to the world of language through the Literary week.
This week sees an enormous level of activity such as book reading sessions with renowned authors, creating blogs by students of higher grades, creating illustrations for stories, reading with family, role plays of favourite characters, outdoor reading etc.
Various activities are organized to enhance the skills in English like reading, speaking, writing, listening and usage of grammar. The purpose is to infuse the students with appreciation, understanding, love for reading and usage of the English language in their daily life.
(Being Enthusiastic about the magic of science)
The Science Fair
"Touch a scientist and you touch a child"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein

We would rather re-phrase it as-
Touch a child at The Somaiya School and you touch a scientist!! This mega event over the last two years has managed to draw people from far and near, curious to experience and understand science from a student's perspective.

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(Being Enthusiastic about the magic of science)
The Science Fair
"Touch a scientist and you touch a child"
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
We would rather re-phrase it as Touch a child at The Somaiya School and you touch a scientist!! This mega event over the last two years has managed to draw people from far and near, curious to experience and understand science from a student's perspective.
This event has various sections such as Art & Science, Sound, Electronics, Science Games, Conservation, Food Science, Water & Myth-a-Magica etc. The element of learning is incorporated with research and more importantly, fun too so as to not overwhelm the students.
Live animals, hands-on experiments are popular with the young and the old alike. The popularity of this event can be gauged by the ever increasing number of visitors to the school on that day. Beautiful & decorative charts are made both by the students and the teachers. Students come up with innovative ideas for setting up the classrooms in which the exhibitions are to be held.
A huge and massive model of Dinosaur was made this year with used and waste materials to drive home the message of conservation and preservation.
Little Picasso Art Mela
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."
- Henry David Thoreau
And we wish to open the doors of the world to our students.
The children are encouraged to push the envelope for their creativity and imagination. And the result is proudly displayed for one and all to see.
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Little Picasso Art Mela
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."
- Henry David Thoreau
And we wish to open the doors of the world to our students.
The children are encouraged to push the envelope for their creativity and imagination. And the result is proudly displayed for one and all to see.
Expression of one's imagination without fear of criticism moulds the students into stronger individuals, acceptance and appreciation of their ideas and emotions emboldens them to challenge themselves for improvisation and growth.
Fruit carving, origami, Warli painting, socks puppet, finger puppet, pottery, tie and dye, paper bags, jelly decoration, stick puppet, book marks, nail art, tattoo, caricature, portrait, pottery - the list goes on. In the words of Samir Somaiya, President, Somaiya Vidyavihar, said, "Art has truly come alive. If everyone was taught art in this manner, nobody would be doing anything else except Art!". This is the sentiment carried home by the visitors to the Art Mela this year. The Art Mela also teaches the children about social responsibility.
This year, works of art by teachers as well as students, were auctioned and the money generated was donated to registered NGOs.
MATHEMAGICA - Maths comes alive!!!
"Math is like going to the gym for your brain. It sharpens your mind."
- Danica McKellar

And all our students, right from the tiny tots to the seniors, everyone loves the gym!!!
The word 'Mathematics' has an immediate reaction amongst children and adults - From loving it to dreading it. Often the reaction is due to the way Maths is taught.

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MATHEMAGICA - Maths comes alive!!!
"Math is like going to the gym for your brain. It sharpens your mind."
- Danica McKellar
And all our students, right from the tiny tots to the seniors, everyone loves the gym!!!
The word 'Mathematics' has an immediate reaction amongst children and adults - From loving it to dreading it. Often the reaction is due to the way Maths is taught.
To make the magic of maths come alive, the school organizes a fun-filled event on Maths education called Mathemagica.
This event aims at giving a nudge to their logical thinking, problem solving skills through games, puzzles, quizzes and appreciation coming in the form of prizes and take-aways.
Eco friendly Ganesha workshop
Every year it is a tradition at The Somaiya School to usher in the Elephant God in an eco-friendly manner. Children from Sr.KG to grade 8 try their hand at making Ganesha idols under the guidance of the Art and Craft teacher. It is always an exciting experience for the children to put their fingers in clay and produce beautiful idols of Lord Ganesh in different sizes and shapes.
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Eco friendly Ganesha workshop
Every year it is a tradition at The Somaiya School to usher in the Elephant God in an eco-friendly manner. Children from Sr.KG to grade 8 try their hand at making Ganesha idols under the guidance of the Art and Craft teacher. It is always an exciting experience for the children to put their fingers in clay and produce beautiful idols of Lord Ganesh in different sizes and shapes.
It is a very beautiful sight to see the children very lovingly and protectively carrying their creations home. The pride and joy in their efforts visible on their faces makes it a very satisfying session for all. This activity enables students to respect and appreciate the environment. They learn to use eco-friendly materials to mould and create idols that can be immersed in water without causing pollution to the environment.
It is our humble salute to all the artists who unfailingly enthral us with their art and craft and bring to us the Lord in their innovative and breath taking displays year after year.
The Splash Puddle day
Getting wet and muddy without being scolded, on the contrary encouraged enthusiastically by the teachers!!!

What more can a tiny tot ask for?
Playing in the mud has myriad benefits. It enhances brain activity, creative thinking, bonding with nature and forging relationships with each other. The Annual Splash Puddle day at The Somaiya School is always a super- duper hit with the kids.

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The Splash Puddle day
Getting wet and muddy without being scolded, on the contrary encouraged enthusiastically by the teachers!!!
What more can a tiny tot ask for?
Playing in the mud has myriad benefits. It enhances brain activity, creative thinking, bonding with nature and forging relationships with each other.
The Annual Splash Puddle day at The Somaiya School is always a super- duper hit with the kids. Children run, jump and wade into a mud pit, which they describe as ‘soft and squishy’.
The little children from the pre-primary section compete with each other to see who is slathered more in mud. They have more fun in trying to recognize each other in their muddy appearances.
The Splash Puddle Day is the culmination of a theme with a series of activities like Splish-Splash, Raindrops and Rainbows and Ravishing Rain which give children a fun way of learning the different aspects of rain.
The annual Sports Day is a mega event to look forward to. The students put up an enthralling display of various skills and activities learnt during the year. The entire event is conducted by the students themselves under the able guidance of the P. E teachers.
The event is a balanced mix of fun, laughter, cheer, tension and a sense of competitiveness.
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The annual Sports Day is a mega event to look forward to. The students put up an enthralling display of various skills and activities learnt during the year. The entire event is conducted by the students themselves under the able guidance of the P. E teachers.
The event is a balanced mix of fun, laughter, cheer, tension and a sense of competitiveness. The formal ceremony includes the guard of honour, March past of the four houses with the Police Band, unfurling of the flags, taking the Sports oath, lighting of the torch and unveiling of the mascot.
The informal ceremony has the element of laughter and cheer with fun races for students from Grade 1 to 4. These races bring together all the children, strengthen bonds with team mates and display of skills. Each and every child from grade 1 to 4 gets an opportunity to showcase the skills acquired through drills, displays and of course, the fun races.
Students of the higher grades are introduced to a sense of competition by having the athletic races and team sports such as kho- kho, basketball, volley ball etc.
Cheering for the house mates, wanting one's house to be the first is coupled with a healthy respect for the opponents. Taking success and failure with a smile, good-natured ribbing are common scenes on that day. Gymnastics, Yoga, Get, Set, Go, Tae kwon do, Kalaripayattu displays leave the parents awe-struck. A feeling of pride is evident in them when they see the diverse skills, acquired, honed and polished by the P.E team in a short span of time.

This is another mega event that all the children in school eagerly await.

Auditions for dance and drama have the children queuing up in front of the Speech and Drama teacher as well as the Dance teacher.

Themes chosen are relevant modern day themes with stories woven into the fabric of everyday life and interspersed with music and dance. The students handle classical as well as contemporary dance with equal ease, theatre with such flair and panache that they all seem like professionals.

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This is another mega event that all the children in school eagerly await. Auditions for dance and drama have the children queuing up in front of the Speech and Drama teacher as well as the Dance teacher.
Themes chosen are relevant modern day themes with stories woven into the fabric of everyday life and interspersed with music and dance.
The students handle classical as well as contemporary dance with equal ease, theatre with such flair and panache that they all seem like professionals.
This is also another event where every child gets to participate and come on stage thereby gaining confidence and recognition.